Dedicated solution provider of various thermal imaging and detection products
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Radifeel M Series Uncooled LWIR

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Tsim thiab tsim los ntawm Radifeel, lub Mercury ntev-yoj infrared thermal lub koob yees duab siv lub cim tshiab ntawm 12um 640 × 512 VOx detectors, nrog ultra-me me, lub teeb yuag thiab tsis tshua muaj zog noj, thaum tseem muaj kev ua tau zoo ntawm cov duab zoo thiab muaj peev xwm sib txuas lus. .Nws tuaj yeem siv dav hauv sUAS payloads, cov cuab yeej pom kev hmo ntuj, lub kaus mom hlau tua hluav taws, cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thermal thiab lwm yam.

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Product Description



Kev siv hluav taws xob tsawg, tsawg dua 0.8W

Lub teeb hnyav, tsawg dua 14g

Cov duab crisp rau 640x512 daws teeb meem nrog 9.1 lossis 13.5 hli lens

Tub rog tus qauv ua haujlwm kub ntawm -40 ℃ ~ + 70 ℃

Yooj yim rau kev sib koom ua ke rau daim ntawv thov

Txheem FPC interface, xaiv tau USB C lossis Ethernet interface

Compact tsim nrog built-in shutter

Radiometry rau nruab nrab, siab thiab qis, thiab xaiv tau puv npo

Extendable AI duab ua haujlwm ua haujlwm

Mercury 2


Ntes Hom

Uncooled VOx Microbolometer

Kev daws teeb meem

640 × 512

Pixel Pitch

12m ib

Spectral Range

8m12m ua


≤ 40 mk


9.1mm / 13.5 hli

Startup Sijhawm

≤ 5S

Analog Video tso zis

Txheem PAL

Digital Video tso zis

16 ntsis DVP

Ncej tus nqi



UART (USB C xaiv tau)

Kev siv fais fab

≤0.8W @ 25 ℃, tus qauv ua haujlwm lub xeev

Ua haujlwm Voltage

DC 4.5-5.5V


Phau ntawv calibration, tom qab calibration


Dawb kub / Dub kub

Digital Zoom

2, × 4

Duab Txhim Kho

Yog lawm

Reticle zaub

Yog lawm

Qhov system parameter rov pib dua / Txuag

Yog lawm

Ua haujlwm kub

-40 ℃ ~ 70 ℃

Cia Kub

-45 ℃ ~ 85 ℃


≤ 21mm × 21mm × 20.5mm

Qhov hnyav

14.2g ± 0.5g (w / o lens)


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  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb

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